On December 2017, the ETUC adopts a Resolution for a Sustainable Europe by 2030. The European trade union movement commits with the 3 dimensions of development, for stronger democratic institutions and mainstream sustainability in the external action of the EU.

The ETUC was part of the Multi-stakeholder platform on SDGs Report “Europe moving towards a sustainable future

The ETUC joined the Time For 8 campaign of ITUC at the HLPF 2019. The ETUC Contribution at the: At the High-Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development 

The ETUC in its Growth and Social Progress 2020 Document  invites the European Commission to undertake concrete actions to implement the SDGs, focusing on the European Pillar of Social Rights and to create conditions for massive investments for the green transition.

In the meantime, the ETUC starts stretching the European version of the Goal 8-centred development model elaborated by the ITUC. 


In the ASGS 2020, The European Commission starts incorporating the SDGs in the European Semester in a way that is compatible with the Goal-8-centred  approach.

In the Communication introducing the Country Reports 2020, the European Commission says that “In line with the legal scope of the European Semester, the integration of SDGs focuses on their macro-economic dimension and on how they can be achieved through economic, employment and social policies.

Trade-offs exists and are already at work (The Global Sustainable Development Report, UNDESA 2019).