apparently, the ETUC request to suspend the European Semester timeline due to the current circumstances Europe is facing will remain unheard.
The European Commission is drafting the Country Specific Recommendation (CSR) 2020, that will be issued on May 20th.

Therefore, the EU Semester cycle continues.

Shortly, you will receive the request to compile the Trade Union Inputs on Country Specific Recommendations for the Semester Cycle 2020. ^

You will receive the link to download the template in pdf to be filled in as usual. 

Deadline to submit the report by 3rd of April

Since we can consider the Country Report 2020 outdated, our inputs for the CSR are crucial, taking into account national situations and needs.

As you will notice, the first CSR proposal box will be already pre-filled with the request to the EU Institutions to issue the so-called “corona bonds”.
The ETUC calls on the European Institutions to do “whatever it takes” to tackle the social and economic impacts of the corona-virus pandemic. 

ETUC believes the “corona bonds” are the only available financial instrument to support:

  • the infrastructure and supplies for National Health Systems,
  • the emergency measures related to employment and income support, 
  • the scheme for unemployment reinsurance at European level.

which are needed to address the COVID-19 crisis.