The PDF questionnaire has slightly adapted to the most recent ETUC priorities. 

The Box1 Labour Market is now focused on measures related to Just Transition

Box2 on wages and Collective Bargaining should explain country-based performances according to the Wage and Collective Bargaining Scoreboard. Available here

Box 3 on Edcuation and Skills shoudl focus on access of workers to vocational training

Box 4 on Social Protection should focus on the implementation of the European Recommendation on access to social protection. Available here

Please note that the Recommendation is not published on the Official Journal of the EU because one country has to submit the text to the national Parliament. However, the European Commission is using the next semester cycle to start monitoring implementation of the Recommendation at national level. 

Box 5 is new. It only refers to INVESTMENTS. Please refer to Annex D of Country Reports 2019 to illustrate how they have been taken into consideration at national level. 

Box 6 refers to social dialogue. Many countries have received “social” CSR whose implementation requires involvement of social partenrs. Is it happening? how?

Please do not hesitate to contact Marco Cilento or Giovanni Casale at the ETUC Secretariat for any doubt you may have about this exercise. 


1. Please DO NOT USE graphs or tables. You can always put them into a separate file in attachment.

2. We encourage you to provide inputs in English respecting the digit limits in the PDF questionnaire. Feel free to attach more extensive contributions in your own language. 

3. Please use the font Arial 10pp. 

4. We encourage ETUC members to deliver a single questionnaire for each country.

5. To submit the questionnaire, just click on the button on the last page of the questionnaire. 

6. If you meet technical problems please contact us for immediate support.