Trade union are not consulted as they should. The European Commission continues its efforts toTrade union are not consulted as they should. The European Commission continues its efforts to dialogue with social partners. This dialogue is effective however limited to policies that are strictly related to employment and labour market. Trade unions want to be heard also on other policy areas that have great influence on jobs and their quality, such as the fiscal, industrial and tax policies.

National Governments are reluctant to involve social partners at the milestones of the Semester. For the third year in a row, the TU Involvement Index of the ETUC in 2019, covering 22 countries, has drastically reduced the number of good practices. Governments do not implement recommendations (either CSRs or EMCO conclusions) aimed at consulting social partners and promoting social dialogue.

Considering that soft law instruments are delivering poor results, the ETUC considers that times are ripeConsidering that soft law instruments are delivering poor results, the ETUC considers that times are ripe for a EU rule that establish the right of social partner to be consulted at national level. In the meantime,the following measures can improve social partners’ involvement: Improving national EU missions, also in cooperation with the European social partners; Investing in capacity building for social partners; Reinforcing recommendations on social partners’ involvement in less performing countries.