The European Commission has relaunched the consultation on “economic governance”: the rules that govern economic policymaking across EU countries.

Our aim is to move away from austerity and create conditions that bring about the permanent mobilisation of resources for investments and the financing of the European social policies.

By following this link the survey of 11 questions can be completed. It is not necessary to answer all the questions.

Replies to each question are limited to 5000 characters. It is not recommended to copy and paste the text below. Multiple replies with identical text will be discarded.

Deadline for answering to the public consultation is 31/12/2021.

Please find attached the ETUC Guidelines, containing some inputs and suggestions, question by question, for an ambitious reform of the EU Economic Governance (available in English, French, Italian, Spanish and German).

All the proposals are based on the updated ETUC response to the Public consultation, which in turn, is based on Resolutions and Positions adopted by ETUC Executive Committees.

In order to provide a significant number of replies supporting our position in the public debate on the review of the EU fiscal framework, the ETUC is setting up a HELPDESK (please contact Giovanni or/and Matthieu

Thank you for your cooperation.

EN-ETUC Guidelines – Economic Governance Review

FR-ETUC Guidelines – Economic Governance Review

DE-ETUC Guidelines – Economic Governance Review

ES-ETUC Guidelines – Economic Governance Review

IT-ETUC Guidelines – Economic Governance Review