The ETUC-led project “Raising awareness on SDGs amid workers and trade union leaders: decent work, environment and rule of law” provided the opportunity to step up the trade unions’ contribution toward achieving a sustainable Europe by 2030.

The ETUC focuses on Goal 8 (Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all), as this can have positive spill-over effect on the realization of all the other SDGs. 

Goal 8 targets workers’ protection, decent work, social protection and inclusive growth, and will therefore drive the 2030 Agenda forward and pave the way for a New Social Contract involving international institutions, governments, business and workers.

In cooperation with ASVIS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development – Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development), the ETUC developed the Sustainable Growth & Decent Work Index (# EU_SDG8i). This is an instrument that assesses the implementation of Goal 8 in Europe, and will therefore contribute to policy proposals at both European and national levels. 

The ETUC set up a partnership with selected member organizations to have a wider impact and dissemination across Europe. The partners included the Belgian trade unions CGLSB, CSC and FGTB, Bulgaria’s CITUB, Spain’s CCOO, the Dutch confederation FNV and the ETUC Youth Committee. The common goal was to disseminate knowledge of SDGs throughout their respective organization structures, with the aim of drawing the SDGs into the daily activity of officials and members, notably in social dialogue and collective bargaining processes.

Read more about the project in the brochure here.