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Sustainable Development Goals


ETUC approach to the sustainable development goals

EU_SDG8 i – Sustainable Growth and Decent Work index

The indicators selected for #EUSDG8 index are divided into three main sub-domains:

  1. Economic well-being;
  2. Employment quality;
  3. Labour Vulnerability;

Three composite indicators have been developed to monitor the level of achievement of the three dimensions for the EU countries and to study the relationship between these dimensions.


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Raising awareness on SDGs amid workers and trade union leaders: decent work, climate neutrality and rule of law.

In its Resolution for a sustainable Europe by 2030, the ETUC stressed that sustainability starts from quality jobs, identifying the European Pillar of Social Rights a key policy framework to achieve the social objectives of the 2030 Agenda. It also proposed a transversal reading of SDGs aimed at changing our production patterns to reduce emissions, limit the ecological footprint of products, activate circular economy, while supporting transformative processes with measures for “just transitions”.

This project aims at spreading information and raising awareness of SDGs and the UN2030 Agenda in the trade union movement in Europe, from the workplace up to the TU leaders. The objective is also to inform and raise awareness on how SDGs impact the main European and international policy programmes.

During the main phase, 4 regional events will be organised by the ETUC in cooperation with its affiliates.

A final conference “Trade Unions for a Sustainable Europe 2030: taking stock of progresses and the way ahead.” will be organised to spread out results and outcomes of the project and deliver political conclusions and recommendations to the EU and national policy-makers.

The project will build ownership of the UN2030 among workers and will reinforce commitment of trade union leaders with the achievement of SDGs, also making a better use of collective bargaining and social dialogue (democracy and partnerships). Involvement of youth organisations of trade unions is a way to ensure a lasting impact of the SDGs within the trade union movement. The main result is an improved knowledge and awareness of the UN2030 agenda among trade unions. It goes together with an increased capacity to harness the complex implications of the SDGs with the European Pillar of Social Rights and EU Semester.

PPT presenting the activites planned for rasing awareness:

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Project co-financed by the European Commission, DG Employment (EU Project VS-2019-0278, Budget line VP_2019_002).



The   ASviS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) was established on February 3rd, 2016, upon the initiative of the Unipolis Foundation and the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. The Alliance already brings together over 220 member organizations among the most important civil society institutions and networks.

At the international level, ASviS is:

an Associated Partner of the European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN), the informal network of institutional entities, associations and experts that have been working on sustainable development policies and strategies since 2003;

a member of SDG Watch Europe, an EU-level, cross-sectoral CSO alliance of NGOs focusing on development, environment, social, human rights and other sectors;

part of the United Nations Partnerships for SDGs platform, which provides global engagement for multi-stakeholder partnerships and voluntary commitments from all stakeholders devoted to support the implementation of the SDGs;

registered in the EU Transparency Register, jointly run by the EU Parliament and Commission;

a member of Europe Ambition 2030, a civil society coalition launched by ASviS and other international organizations with the aim of revising EU governance and policies in the light of the SDGs so as to turn them into the basis for all EU actions.

The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) already developed an innovative methodology to synthetically monitor several dimensions of SDG8 and provide evidence on the progress towards the achievement of SDG8 for the entire world. Data have been already presented to several international fora, including the High-Level Political Forum held in New York in July 2019.

ASviS (2019a) Italy and the Sustainable Development Goals, ASviS Report 

ASviS (2019b) The European Union and the Sustainable Development Goals