investments for sustainability and quaity jobs

anti austerity action

Providing inputs, idea and actions that promote reforms and policy priorities that aim at social progress and upward convergence of working and living conditions, in opposition to a reformed Stability and Growth Pact which leads to austerity-driven reforms.

Mid-Term Fiscal Structural Plans. Where to find them!

The plans are the cornerstone of the EU economic governance framework. They set out the Member State’s fiscal path as well as priority public investments and reforms for four or five years depending on their regular length of the respective legislative term. All plans...
Mid-Term Fiscal Structural Plans. Where to find them!

Mid-Term Fiscal Structural Plans. Where to find them!

The plans are the cornerstone of the EU economic governance framework. They set out the Member State’s fiscal path as well as priority public investments and reforms for four or five years depending on their regular length of the respective legislative term. All plans...

Mid-Term Fiscal Structural Plans. Trade union inputs.

Mid-Term Fiscal Structural Plans. Trade union inputs.

Have access to TU inputs country-by-country or economic sectors here: Tuslo survey Each link directs the reader to a web page that includes: Country and name of the organisation that submitted the input. Trade union inputs can be submitted by National ETUC members,...