Trade Union Involvement Index 2019 online!

Trade union are not consulted as they should. The European Commission continues its efforts toTrade union are not consulted as they should. The European Commission continues its efforts to dialogue with social partners. This dialogue is effective however limited to...

Our Future Europe – Proposals

Trade union demands for a fairer economic governance: 4 debates to adapt the economic governance of the EU to the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the UN2030 Agenda Debate 1: Quality of public services and...

EPSCO Conclusions meeting 15 March

The EPSCO Ministers met on 15 March 2019. They held a policy debate on the European Semester 2019, based on a Presidency steering note entitled “The European Pillar of Social Rights – an initiative for improving the functioning of the labour market and...