ETUC Report on Inputs for Country Report 2020 published
The ETUC Report on Inputs for Country Report 2020 is now available here. 150 pages of trade union inputs on labour market, wage and collecive bargaining, education and skills, social protection, investments, fiscal framework, social dialogue. It covers the following...
A Strong Social Europe for Just Transitions – Minimum Wage – Green Deal
The Commission today presented a Communication on building a strong social Europe for just transitions. It sets out how social policy will help deliver on the challenges and opportunities of today, proposing action at EU level for the months to come, and seeking...
REPORT FROM HELSINKI. ETUC and ITUC Dialogues on UN2030 Agenda in the EU
Please find below the link to the report of the meeting “The EU and Agenda 2030: Trade union’s dialogue” that took place in Helsinki on November 6-7 as well as the link to the article published on the TUDCN website: Report...
ETUC inputs for the Semester 2020. Online now!
Now that the European Elections have passed, it is time for the EU to deliver social progress in the upcoming legislative period; boosting investments for quality jobs and green transition is a top priority. The document has been adopted by the Executive Committee of...
Visentini’s Speech at the Macroeconomic Dialogue
"Social partners need to be properly involved in the economic governance: this is the only way for us to bring our contribution to setting a more sustainable growth model. This is the reason why we have been insisting for years on the need to improve the format and...
TIME FOR 8. It is about decent work!
The ETUC supports the global campaign for Goal8 and all the SDGs. The European Semester have to deliver for economic, social and environmental sustainability. Just transition means winning the workers' support for a sustainable economy. We can change the...
The PDF questionnaire has slightly adapted to the most recent ETUC priorities. The Box1 Labour Market is now focused on measures related to Just Transition. Box2 on wages and Collective Bargaining should explain country-based performances...
The PDF questionnaire has slightly adapted to the most recent ETUC priorities. The Box1 Labour Market is now focused on measures related to Just Transition. Box2 on wages and Collective Bargaining should explain country-based performances...
Download here the 2019 WAGE AND COLLECTIVE SCOREBOARD. IT is extracted from the ETUC GROWTH AND SOCIAL PROGRESS 2020. Please use the Scoreboard to better focus your country based Inputs for Country Reports 2020.
EU Economic and Social Committee on the future of Social Pillar
The EESC has adopted an Opinion on The European Pillar of Social Rights – evaluation of the initial implementation and recommendations for the future (own-initiative opinion). Very interesting reading and many concrete proposals also thanks to the work of Cinzia Del...