Trade Union Involvement Index 2019 online!
Trade union are not consulted as they should. The European Commission continues its efforts toTrade union are not consulted as they should. The European Commission continues its efforts to dialogue with social partners. This dialogue is effective however limited to...
Country Specific Recommendations 2019. Draft published.
CSR 2019 have been published. Please follow the link on the Semester timeline in this website to have accesso to all country specific recommendations and the Spring Package. It is time to urge governments to consult trade unions at national level. Timing...
CSR 2019 issued on 5th June
Country Specific Recommendations will be published on 5th June 2019, after the EU elections.
Decent work and growth is key. SDG8 at the heart of the UN2030 agenda
Today, at the ILO and UNDESA meeting on review of SDG8, ITUC and TUDCN presented the trade union monitoring of SDGs and in particular social dialogue as a way to speed up achievement of SDG8. This trade union exercise will arrive at the core of the High...
Our Future Europe – Proposals
Trade union demands for a fairer economic governance: 4 debates to adapt the economic governance of the EU to the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the UN2030 Agenda Debate 1: Quality of public services and...
EPSCO Conclusions meeting 15 March
The EPSCO Ministers met on 15 March 2019. They held a policy debate on the European Semester 2019, based on a Presidency steering note entitled "The European Pillar of Social Rights – an initiative for improving the functioning of the labour market and social...
Country Reports 2019 published
To have access click the botton on the timeline on your left. Commenting on European Commission’s ‘European Semester Winter Package’, Katja Lehto-Komulainen, Deputy General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation said: “The ETUC welcomes the...
A new start for social dialogue needs a change of pace in trade union involvement in economic governance
The ETUC TU-I index below shows the involvement of trade unions at the milestones of the semester cycle at national level. It is still largely unsatisfactory. Despite the commitment of the Juncker Commission to a new start for social dialogue in recent years,...
AGS – EU needs to do more to boost investment and wages
Commenting on today’s European Commission Annual Growth Survey, Katja Lehto-Komulainen, Deputy General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) said: “It is too early for the EU to celebrate the end of the crisis. The fact is that total investment...