SDG8 – Composite Index

#EU_SDG8 i – Sustainable Growth and Decent Work index

The indicators selected for #EUSDG8 index are divided into three main sub-domains:

  1. Economic well-being;
  2. Employment quality;
  3. Labour Vulnerability;

Three composite indicators have been developed to monitor the level of achievement of the three dimensions for the EU countries and to study the relationship between these dimensions.

Economic well-being

Code Name Unit of measure Polarity
A01_tertiary Tertiary educational attainment % of population aged 30 to 34 +
A02_sme Proportion of small-scale industries in total industry value added % +
A03_gdpgrw Real GDP growth rate % change on previous period +
A04_gnicapita GNI per capita PPP current international $ +
A05_poverty People at risk of income poverty after social transfers %
A06_bottom Income share of the bottom 40% of the population % of income +
A07_workpov In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate % of people aged 18 and over
A08_wboard Positions held by women as board members % of positions +
A09_socialp General government expenditure by social protection health and education % of GDP +

Source: ASviS

Employment Quality

Code Name Unit of measure Polarity
B01_employm Employment rate % of population aged 20 to 64 +
B02_Collect Collective bargain coverage % +
B04_outwork Annual growth rate of output per worker % of GDP in constant 2011 international $ in PPP +
B05_varlab Labour income share as a percent of GDP % +
B06_empgap Gender employment gap Percentage points
B07_longunmp Long-term unemployment rate % of active population
B08_slack Labour market slack %
B09_empgrad Employment rates of recent graduates % of population aged 20 to 34 +

Source: ASviS

Labour Vulnerability

Code Name Unit of measure Polarity
C01_fatal People killed in accidents at work number per 100 000 employees
C02_poor65 People 65 and over at risk of poverty or social exclusion % of people 65 and over
C03_neet People neither in employment nor in education and training % population aged 15-29
C04_invptime Involuntary part-time employment as percentage of the total part-time employment %
C05_vuln Vulnerable employment % of total employment
C06_temporay Temporary contracts for people aged 20-64 % of total employement
C07_paygap Gender pay gap in unadjusted form % of average gross hourly earnings of men
C08_inactive Female/male ratio of inactive population due to caring responsibilities f/m ratio of inactive population aged 20 to 64
C09_LLL Adult participation in learning % of population aged 25 to 64 +

Source: ASviS