Raising awareness on SDGs amid workers and trade union leaders: decent work, environment and rule of law (ETUC Project Library)
General Information
The ETUC-led project “Raising awareness on SDGs amid workers and trade union leaders: decent work, environment and rule of law” provided the opportunity to step up the trade unions’ contribution toward achieving a sustainable Europe by 2030.
ETUC SDG8 Composite Index
The ETUC’s Decent Work and Sustainable Growth Index monitors and ranks the degree of achievement of the Goal 8 objectives by EU member states. The index is based on 3 composite indicators corresponding to: (i) the economic well-being, related to economic performance and living standards; (ii) the employment quality, related to labor market output; and (iii) the labor vulnerability, related to labor market outcomes.
National set of activities
National SDGs Report
Find here national SDGs reports from
Final Conference, 9-10 September 2021, Montepulciano, Italy
A final conference “Trade Unions for a Sustainable Europe 2030: decent work, climate neutrality and democracy” was organized in two activities: i) A trade union workshop, which gave project partners the opportunity to exchange findings from their national activities and to share good practices of trade union involvement in the monitoring and implementation of SDGs. ii) A political high-level debate on SDGs and just transitions to environmentally sustainable economy.