by Marco_Cilento | Oct 31, 2024 | Semester News, TU involvement
Read the full text of the Joint statement by the ETUC, SGI Europe and SME United, calling for a factual and material involvement of social partners in the economic governance and the EU Semester here: Social Partners call for better involvement in Economic Governance...
by Marco_Cilento | Oct 19, 2021 | Semester News
Adopted at the virtual Executive Committee Meeting of 5-6 October 2021 A new economic modelThe EU Semester 2022 is an opportunity for the EU to move toward a practice that looks beyond the GDP and adopt a development model that is conducive to a just transition...
by Marco_Cilento | May 11, 2021 | R&I
The ETUC and its Spanish members CCOO and UGT, communicate to Vice-President Dombroviskis their deep concerns regarding the interference of services of the European Commission in the Spanish Government’s work on the Spanish National Plan for Recovery and Resilience....
by Marco_Cilento | May 10, 2021 | Semester News
Downloads in EN, FR PT here We, the subscribing institutions and organisations, have come together in Porto during the #Social_Summit to rally forces to strengthen the commitment to the implementation of the #European #Pillar of #Social #Rights and to use this unique...
by Marco_Cilento | Apr 14, 2021 | Semester News
SUMMARYThe ETUC welcomes the Action Plan implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) and backs the call addressed to Member States, EU institutions and social partners to endorse the Action Plant to keep the EU social agenda prominent in all the policy...