The ETUC Semester Toolkit is a work environment dedicated to Trade Union Semester Liaison Officers (TUSO) for coordination and advocacy of trade union positions throughout the European Semester at EU and national level.
The ETUC Semester Toolkit serves the ETUC objectives in the EU Semester which include fight austerity, support sustainable and social investment, empower trade unions.
anti austerity action
Providing inputs, idea and actions that promote reforms and policy priorities that aim at social progress and upward convergence of working and living conditions, in opposition to a reformed Stability and Growth Pact which leads to austerity-driven reforms.

Investments for sustainability and quality jobs
Providing inputs for investments using social and environmental criteria such as environmental sustainability, social inclusion, employment creation and quality jobs, in opposition to criteria that gives priority to fiscal or macroeconomic sustainability.
Trade union involvement and capacity building
Establishing plans and solidarity measures to ensure that trade union involvement is ensured at European level under the ETUC coordination and, with equal opportunities for all ETUC members, in all member states.
- Continuous training for TUSLO (in cooperation with ETUI)
- ETUC index for sustainable growth and social convergence (#EUSDG8 index)
- RETHINKING. High-level dialogues to reshape our development model pursuing social and environmental sustainability
latest news
An EU-financed Investment Facility for quality jobs and just transitions
The ETUC supports the creation of an EU Investment Facility financed and deployed at the EU level. Adopted at the Executive Committee meeting of 10-11 December 2024. English version: An EU-financed Investment Facility for quality jobs and just transitions | ETUC...
The Autumn Package incudes tools for the policy coordination, including social common objectives and social CSRs implementation. To be watched: Progresses toward the Porto targets on employment, access to education/training and poverty - Joint Employment Report Upward...
The Autumn package (first part) is devoted to fiscal surveillance, namely: fiscal trajectories under the Mid-Term Fiscal Structural Plans - Preventive arm Watch at the net expenditure path and its impact on structural primary deficit and potential output. Cost of...
European Fiscal Board’ foresees “ difficult ” start to revised Stability Pact
Quote from Brussels, 02/10/2024 (Agence Europe) Observing the budgetary performance of the Member States in relation to the macroeconomic situation in 2023, the European board notes that, overall, the public deficit has not decreased between 2022 and 2023 despite the...
23-25 June 2025 – TUSLO Annual event + RETHINKING 2025
SAVE THE DATE! Agenda to come All TUSLO are invited to mark this event on their agenda.
7 March 2025 – European Semester structured dialogue with the Social Partners
This round of consultation is reserved to countries that are under review in the framework of the Social Convergence Framework: Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Romania, Spain. The meeting will be on the 7th of March from...