From 2022 onwards, the ETUC will run a yearly assessment on the status of implementation of the EPSR and its Action plan. Inspired by the UN2030 Agenda review mechanism, every year, the ETUC will put 6 principles of the EPSR under review in order to understand what has been done, what is in the pipeline and what is left to do.
Our aim is to make every single right or freedom of the EPSR accessible to European workers. As with all policy frameworks, in a fast evolving socio-economic outlook, the EPSR has to adapt as new challenges materialise. The review of the EPSR is also an opportunity to screen the ability of each principle to mitigate social risks and respond to the new and changing needs of workers.
To support our exercise we will refer to:
- The Action Plan to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights
- The ETUC’s 100 proposals to implement the EPSR
- The Social Scoreboard
- Principle 4 on active support to employment,
- Principle 8 on social dialogue,
- Principle 10 on health and safety at work,
- Principle 14 on minimum income
- Principle 18 on long-term care, and
- Principle 20 on access to essential services.
Each review slot is of 60’. Each Principle under review will be introduced by an expert of the European Commission (10’). An ETUC representative will react bringing an example of a meaningful experience in national contexts (10’). To conclude, an expert will help identify new avenues to achieve the objectives of the principle under review (10’). The remaining 30 minutes will be for debate.*
The workshop is addressed to Trade Union Semester Liaison Officers and members of the ETUC permanent committees that are relevant to the EPSR implementation. The ETUC team will coordinate the event and draw written conclusions. The final conference will be an open event.
The meeting is scheduled on the 6 and 7 July 2022.
The meeting will be in hybrid format. The physical even is in Montepulciano (Italy) at Fortezza Medicea.
Thanks to the financial contribution of the European Commission, the ETUC will reimburse travelling to/from Montepulciano and accommodation.
The meeting is accessible also via Zoom
Working languages will be English, Italian, French, Spanish and in one other language based on received registrations
Opening of the workshop: Liina Carr, Confederal Secretary of the ETUC
Setting the scene: What’s been done, what’s next: Joost Korte, Director-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL)
2.30pm P4: Active support to employment
ETUC proposals https://est1.etuc.org/active-support-to-employment/
Chair: Claes-Mikael Ståhl, Deputy General Secretary of the ETUC
Impact of the Principle at national level: Cinzia Del Rio, UIL
New challenges: Francesco Corti, CEPS
3.30pm P8. Social dialogue and involvement in the EU Semester
ETUC proposals https://est1.etuc.org/social-dialogue-and-involvement-of-workers/
Chair: Liina Carr, Confederal Secretary of the ETUC
Impact of the Principle at national level: Barbara Surdykowska, NSZZ Solidarność
New challenges: Bart Vanherke, OSE
4.30pm Coffee Break
5pm P10. health and safety at work
ETUC proposals https://est1.etuc.org/healthy-safe-and-well-adapted-work-environment-and-data-protection/
Chair: Claes-Mikael Ståhl, Deputy General Secretary of the ETUC
Impact of the Principle at national level: Károly György, MASZSZ
New challenges: William Cockburn, EU-OSHA Interim Executive Director
6pm End of the first day
9am P14 on minimum income
ETUC proposals https://est1.etuc.org/minimum-income/
Chair: Liina Carr, Confederal Secretary of the ETUC
Impact of the Principle at national level: TUSLO or trade union discussant
New challenges: Rolph Van Der Hoeven, University of Amsterdam – presentation
10am P18 on long-term care
ETUC proposals https://est1.etuc.org/long-term-care/
Chair: Liina Carr, Confederal Secretary of the ETUC
Impact of the Principle at national level: Natalja Preisa, LBAS
New challenges: Jozef Pacolet, KuLeuven – presentation
11am Coffee Break
12pm P20 on access to essential services.
ETUC proposals https://est1.etuc.org/access-to-essential-services/
Chair: Liina Carr, Confederal Secretary of the ETUC
Impact of the Principle at sectoral level: Richard Pond, EPSU
New challenges: Valeria Ronzitti, General Secretary of SGI Europe
1pm Lunch Break
3:30 pm For a new social pact: tool for jobs and fight against poverty. Toward a SURE 2.0
Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Affairs (videoconference)
Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the ETUC
Valeria Ronzitti, General Secretary of SGI Europe
Margarida Marques*, Member of the European Parliament
Andrea Orlando, Italian Minister of Labour
Maurizio Landini, General Secretary, CGIL
Giulio Romani, Confederal Secretary, CISL
Pierpaolo Bombardieri, General Secretary, UIL
Carlo Bonomi*, President, Confindustria
5:30 pm End of the Conference
* Speakers have been invited and their participation is yet to be confirmed